International Doctoral Summer School

We at Vytautas Magnus University are excited to invite you to join us for the 6th International Doctoral Summer School, “From Literature Review to Scientific Report,” taking place online from August 21-23, 2024
The school is organized by an international university network of six countries: Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus University, Klaipeda University), Latvia (Daugavpils University, Liepaja Academy of Riga Technical University, Ventspils University, Turiba University), Serbia (Novi Sad University, the Czech Republic (Hradec Kralove University), Finland (University of Eastern Finland), Poland (Warsaw University of Life Sciences).
This year, the Education Academy and Educational Research Institute of Vytautas Magnus University took over the leadership responsibility for the organization of this summer school.
Three intense days of lectures and seminars, full of intellectual community with the focus on research methodology, await you.
Representatives of all universities have created an interesting program this year, in which researchers from the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Germany, Lithuania, Finland, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Spain, and Turkey will share their experiences and insights.
The program is designed to focus on interdisciplinarity, thus Doctoral students from a variety of disciplines, including natural, medical and health sciences, technology, humanities and social sciences, and the arts, are invited to attend this international event.
Participation is free.
Registration (Registration is closed)
Registration is open until 1 th, August, 2024.
Maximum number of participants 120.
We are waiting for you.
See you at the international summer school in August.