OPPORTUNITIES: first SAP Summer Academy “SAP Next-Gen Baltics 2019”

SAP Next-Gen Baltics is an initiative launched by SAP in the Baltic countries as a continuity of successful SAP Next-Gen student events in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. It provides local students with an outstanding opportunity to gain insights on current trending topics within Technology and Business industry, solve real-life business use cases, expand professional network and open up career possibilities.

This year they are launching the first SAP Next-Gen Baltics 2019 as a 3-day summer academy that will take place on 26th-28th of August in Vilnius, Lithuania.

You will be invited to join 3 days of sessions and workshops hosted by SAP experts from Scandinavia. Each day will have a specific topic that will contain the following elements: introduction, short methodology and theory, group work on assignments and cases, group presentations and winner team announcement. There will also be local SAP partners and clients joining the academy as guest speakers so you will have a great opportunity to learn about their business specifics and open up the doors for your career during the joint networking event.

Main topics of SAP Next-Gen Baltics 2019:

Design Thinking

Business Analytics

Machine Learning

Networking / Career Development

Deadline for application: 30 June 2019. Application form. 

Date for final confirmation of acceptance: 15 July 2019