Project „Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR (INBETS BSR)“

Programme: INTERREG Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020


Project Budget: total – 2.46 million EUR, VMU – 132 605 EUR


Project Duration: 01/10/2017 – 30/09/2020


Lead Partner – Baltic Sea Academy (Hamburg, Germany)


Other Partners:

  • Small Business Chamber (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts (Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Riga, Latvia)
  • Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Tallinn, Estonia)
  • Petersburg Foundation for SME Development (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • Association of SMEs support centers of the Kaliningrad region (Kaliningrad, Russia)
  • Foundation Drivhuset Skaraborg (Skövde, Sweden)
  • Vocational Academy Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
  • Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland)
  • Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania)
  • Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (Pori, Finland)
  • University of Skövde (Skövde, Sweden)
  • IBC International Business College (Kolding, Denmark)

Project Description and Aim:


SMEs are mostly owner-managed, often for years. Companies risk to lose knowledge and jobs, once that owner retires. This is happening at increasing speed in the BSR, where more and more owners retire without having transferred the business to the next generation.


Business transfers have a higher impact on the economic growth than start-ups. The future growth and sustainability of innovative companies in the BSR severely limited by failed business transfers. In all countries the number and qualification of potential successors must be improved. The majority of projects and measures focus on the creation of new firms, while the challenge of keeping firms running successfully is not covered. Therefore, the aims of the project are to examine, further develop and design innovative and transferable models and tools for facilitating SME business transfers, make them widely available and implement them in companies.


For more information:


Official Project Website:

Official Programme Website:


Contact Details:


Prof. dr. V. Navickas

Head of Social Education Program Group

Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy

Tel. +370 5 219 2855
