Student Registration to Courses of Spring Semester

The registration to study subjects, seminars and laboratory works for the Spring semester of 2018/2019 starts on the 28th of January. The registrationt will be performed online only, having connected to VMU Students’ Self-service Portal.

A username is: name.surname (lowercase, no Lithuanian alphabet letters) and a password. If a student has forgotten the password, he/she can set up a new one at the site. Instructions are available here. If the student still fails to connect to his/her account, he/she has to address the staff of the Student Centre via email:, by phone 837 751 175, or in person at S. Daukanto g. 27, Room 206.


 For the students of VMU (except for Education (accepted till 01/09/2018) and Agriculture Academies students)


Main enrollment into study subjects, seminars, and laboratory works:

28 January 2019, 10.00 a.m. 31 January 2019, midnight
·         For full-time students of bachelor and integrated studies·         For full-time students of master studies

·         For full-time students of professional studies

·         For free-movers

·         For exchange students

·         For students accepted from 2018 to the following VMU EA study programs:Subject Education, Pedagogy of Primary Education and Early Foreign Language Teaching, Pre-School and Pre – Primary School Pedagogy, Education Management, Pedagogy (Professional Studies), and

·         For students accepted before 2018 to Career Management, Career and Professional Counseling, Educational Management


Final revision of enrolled subjects, crossing out of undesirable subjects and enrolling into the vacancies of study subjects, seminars, and laboratory works:

4 February 2019, 10.00 a.m. 10 February 2019, midnight
·         For full-time students of bachelor and integrated studies  For full-time students of master studies·         For full-time students of professional studies

·         For free-movers

·         For exchange students

·         For students accepted from 2018 to the following VMU EA study programs: Subject Education, Pedagogy of Primary Education and Early Foreign Language Teaching, Pre-School and Pre – Primary School Pedagogy, Education Management, Pedagogy (Professional Studies),

·         For students accepted before 2018 to Career Management, Career and Professional Counseling, Educational Management

For the students of VMU Agriculture Academy

Main enrollment into study subjects, seminars, and laboratory works:

11 February 2019, 10.00 a.m. 17 February 2019, midnight
·         For full-time students of bachelor and integrated studies·         For full-time students of master studies

·         For exchange students and free-movers

Students can register and cross out from the courses only electronically. Paper registration forms will not be distributed at the beginning of the semester.