The 18th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences

On behalf of the Baltic Sport Science Society and Vytautas Magnus University, I am honoured to welcome you all to the 18th Annual Conference of the Baltic Sport Science Society (BSSS), organised and hosted by the Department of Sports and Physical Education of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, on 28–30 April. The annual event brings together teachers, research fellows, doctoral and master students from higher education institutions in the Baltic States and other countries around the world.
Traditionally, the Conference offers academics and researchers the opportunity to present and share the latest research findings, to initiate or renew cooperation projects, and to meet and exchange scientific ideas. The main objectives of the BSSS are the development of early career researchers and the support of young scientists. For this reason, the BSSS established the Young Investigators Award. Young researchers have a great opportunity to take part in this scientific competition, intended to foster scientific growth, where they can present their outstanding work.
The Conference will be held at the Conference Centre of Radisson Hotel Kaunas, which offers excellent facilities for a successful scientific meeting. The Conference venue is located in the city centre, with easy access to Vytautas Magnus University and the main avenue of Kaunas. All participants will be invited to visit Vytautas Magnus University and participate in the scientific discussions that will be organised and included in the programme.
I hope you will have the perfect opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions, make new contacts, and initiate new research projects in a friendly and welcoming environment.
We are very happy to welcome you all to Kaunas, Lithuania!
• Sports coaching and performance
• Sports psychology and education, physical education
• Sports management and economics
• Sports kinesiology and medicine
• Sports physiology and biomechanics
• Physical activity, recreation, and health