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Invitation to participate in Lithuanian Language and Culture Winter Courses!
Education Exchanges Support Foundation announces the beginning of applying to Lithuanian Language and Culture Winter Courses. Lithuanian Language and Culture Winter Courses will take place from the 4th of January until the 2nd of February 2020 at VMU Education Academy in Vilnius. The deadline for r...

VMU Career days 2019: “Starting point: career”
Do you want to make active and meaningful use of your free time? Come and meet “Kaunas In” institution who will tell you all about work, practice and volunteering opportunities in Lithuania. The public institution “Kaunas In” is an institution of the Kaunas city municipality. “Kaunas In” has three ...

Apply now: competition for exchange studies at non-EU/EEE countries
Students are invited to participate in a competition for one semester or one year long exchange studies at non-EU countries with Erasmus+ or VMU Mobility scholarship. Students have to submit completed online application form (Outgoing – Application for Bilateral and Erasmus Study Exchange) until 29...

Apply Now: BA and MA Degree Studies in English
This year Vytautas Magnus University is offering 44 bachelor and master degree programmes taught in English. Everyone interested is welcome to apply online before 1 July. Citizens of other EU member states also have the opportunity to apply for state-funded MA studies at VMU before 24 June. Bache...

„R1 Lietuva“ Scholarship Competition for VMU Students
For a third year in a row, Vytautas Magnus University is cooperating with „R1 Lietuva“ to offer seven one-time scholarships of 200 EUR to third/fourth year BA or first/second year MA students with higher academic achievements (grade average for the previous semester must be 9 or higher) and strong i...

OPPORTUNITIES: first SAP Summer Academy “SAP Next-Gen Baltics 2019”
SAP Next-Gen Baltics is an initiative launched by SAP in the Baltic countries as a continuity of successful SAP Next-Gen student events in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. It provides local students with an outstanding opportunity to gain insights on current trending topics within Technology and Business...