The call for applications for 2019-2020 short-term studies

2 types of scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers of foreign countries are offered during the 2019-2020 academic year: 1. Short term (1-2 semesters) studines; 2. Lithuanian short-term (1-2 semesters) studies.

Scholarships for short-term studies in Lithuania (excluding Lithuanian studies)offered for candidates who are students of higher education institutions of the following countries:

Countries No of scholarships
The Eastern Partnership countries 30
Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia
ASEM countries
Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, China, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Lithuania priority export market countries
Sweden, Germany, Norway, Finland, the United Kingdom, France, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Latvia, Estonia, the USA, Israel




  • The candidate has to receive an official approval of acceptance from the chosen Lithuanian higher education institution.
  • The candidate has to be a student of a higher education institution of the particular country mentioned in the table above.
  • The candidate has to have good knowledge of Lithuanian, English or other language required to study the chosen study programme (the minimum of B2 level of study language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required).

More informatikon (here you will find all required documents etc.):


10 scholarships for Lithuanian short-term studies:

  • 5 scholarshipsfor Lithuanian short-term (1-2 semesters) studies are offered for candidates who are students, lecturers or researchers (in linguistics or philology) of higher education and research institutions of all countries of the world.
  • 5 scholarshipsfor Lithuanian short-term (1-2 semesters) studies are offered for candidates who are foreigners of Lithuanian origin of all countries of the world.

Programme requirements for the Lithuanian studies

Applicants for the Lithuanian studies scholarship are required to choose or design their study programme which might include subjects such as Lithuanian philology, linguistics, literature, Lithuanian history, ethnology and folklore, culturology, etc. Applicants for the Lithuanian studies are required to aggregate 30 ECTS per one semestre (you can choose things listed below from Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy Lithuanian studines subjects).


Title of the Subject ECTS
Language for Communication 6
Linguistic Communication 3
Lithuanian Language and Sociocultural context 6
The Lithuanian  Culture History 3
Speciality Language 3
Dialektology 3
History of Lithuanian Culture 6



The candidate has to receive an official approval of acceptance (Conditional Agreement) from the chosen Lithuanian higher education institution.

The candidate has to be a student, lecturer or researcher (in linguistics or philology) of higher education and research institution of the particular country.

The candidate has to have good knowledge of Lithuanian, English or other language required to study in the chosen study programme (the minimum of B2 level of study language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required).

Priority will be given to the applicants who:

study or teach at Lithuanian (Baltic) science centers (students, teachers and scientists) – it should be noted in the application form;

formally or informally study Lithuanian language, history and culture as a subject at the home institution – it should be noted in the application form.


  • The candidate has to receive an official approval of acceptance (Conditional Agreement) from the chosen Lithuanian higher education institution.
  • The candidate has to be a child, grandchild, great-grandchild of Lithuanians living abroad or a foreigner of the Lithuanian origin (citizens of the Republic of Lithuania who has lived abroad at least three years or citizens of foreign states who have lost the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania shall be regarded as Lithuanians living abroad. A foreigner shall be considered to be a foreigner of Lithuanian descent if at least one of his parents or grandparents is or was Lithuanian and who considers himself Lithuanian).
  • The candidate has to be an active member of Lithuanian community abroad.

More informatikon (here you will find all required documents etc.):